physica status solidi (a)
Volume 196, Issue 1, Pages 3 - 3,
Cover Picture
Observation of the
domain structures in ferromagnetically coupled (Fe97Al3)85N15/Al2O3
multilayers |
T. Stobiecki 1 *,
M. Zoladz 1, M. Otto
2, K. Röll 2, W.
Maass 3 5 |
1Department of Electronics,
University of Mining and Metallurgy, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
2Universität Gh Kassel,
Experimentalphysik IV, 34132 Kassel, Germany
3Unaxis GmbH, Alzenau, Germany
4Phone: +48 12 617 25 96, Fax:
+48 12 617 35 50
5Present address: Singulus
Technologies AG, 63796 Kahl, Germany
email: T. Stobiecki ( |
*Correspondence to T. Stobiecki, 4Phone:
+48 12 617 25 96, Fax: +48 12 617 35 50

picture |
The cover picture of physica status solidi (a), taken from the
Editor's Choice paper [1] of this issue, is a colour
representation of a Kerr microscopy image and shows the domain
stripes and the ripple structure appearing during magnetization of
iron nitride alloy films. This multilyers system exhibits strong
ferromagnetic coupling and uniaxial anisotropy with long parallel
domains. It is a promising new magnetic material for use in high
density thin film heads. |
The first author, Tomasz Stobecki, is Professor at the
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow. His research group at
the Department of Electronics works on measurement techniques and
structural characterization of magnetic multilayer systems. |
This paper is a contribution from the European Conference
Physics of Magnetism (PM'02), held in Poznan, Poland, 1-5 July
2002. The proceedings of this conference are published in two
parts in the present issue of phys. stat. sol. (a) and in phys.
stat. sol. (b) 236, No. 2 (2003). |